Build a business you don't
need a holiday from.

Elevate your business ops with practical automation strategies.

Unlock the power of automation and propel your business to new heights. Designed for beginners, this course demystifies the world of business automation, providing practical insights and hands-on exercises to streamline your operations. From customer communication to financial tasks and sales processes, discover the tools and techniques that will revolutionise your business efficiency.

Do these relate?

→ Do you wish you had more hours in the day?

→ Do you feel like you need 3 arms, 2 more brains and maybe you’ll be able to run your business well?

→ Do you feel like you are constantly playing a game of catch-up with all the stuff you need to do??

→ Do you wish you could go on holiday and that your business won’t implode if you do?

→ Wish you could stop working on weekends and weeknights and get more time with your family and friends?

→ Want to scale your business but don’t want the pressure of taking on another person and training them?

Imagine if…

✔️ You put an end to this anxiety and fear-driven idea that you have to be tethered to your business 24/7 to be successful.

✔️ You could set up automations that continuously bring in leads and nurture your audience so you can focus on other parts of your business (finally!)

✔️ You could go on holiday, take sick leave or care for a loved one without constantly worrying about your business too

✔️ You knew that your business is working for you whilst you sleep

What we cover?

  • What To (And What Not To) Automate in Business

  • Tools for Business Automation - Free & Paid

  • Automating Administrative Tasks

  • Marketing Automation Strategies

  • Business Process Optimisation

Automated Biz
One time

✓ 6 modules of content + exercises
✓ Workbook
✓ Unlimited access