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Your success is no longer tied to a desk: Redefining what it means to run a business

For a long time, business success has been defined by profit margins, client lists, and the hours spent tethered to a desk. The more time you put in, the more successful you’re supposed to be. But what if this idea of success is wrong? What if true success isn't about hours or revenue but about freedom—the ability to enjoy life while your business thrives independently?

One of my favourite KPIs isn’t financial at all. It's how many days I spend in the mountains each year. Last year, I racked up 38 mountain days, and when I mentioned this to fellow business owners—some earning considerably more than me—they were stunned. "Now that's what you call success," they said. These same people hadn’t skied in years, despite wishing they could. This year, none of them managed to hit the slopes either.

It made me realize something important: they might have bigger numbers, but they don’t have the freedom to enjoy it. For all their revenue, what they lack is the ability to step away. What's the point of financial success if you can’t take a day off, let alone a weekend or holiday, without everything falling apart?

The new definition of success

The traditional narrative has told us that success equals revenue, but that no longer holds in today’s world. As entrepreneurs, many of us start with the dream of freedom—the ability to work on our terms, pursue our passions, and live life without being tied down. But somewhere along the way, we often lose sight of that dream, caught in the daily grind of managing clients, putting out fires, and chasing endless tasks.

The truth is, success today isn’t about the hours you work or the revenue you generate—it’s about building a business that gives you freedom. If you’re constantly tied to your business, unable to take a step back, then what kind of success is that?

I love the concept of "building a business you don’t need a holiday from," but I’ve gone further. Real success, to me, is about being able to take that holiday—or a spontaneous adventure, or even a day off—while the business keeps running without you. It’s about creating a system that gives you the flexibility to live your life on your terms.

Creating a business that works for you

We’re in a new age of entrepreneurship, where your business doesn’t have to be confined to a desk or a rigid schedule. The mobile revolution and digital tools have made it easier than ever to design a business that runs independently of your constant presence. Whether you’re working from a café, on a plane, or on top of a mountain, you can stay connected without being tied down.

This doesn’t mean stepping away completely and expecting everything to run smoothly on autopilot. It means being smart about how you design your business. It means creating systems that allow your company to thrive even when you’re not there. Automation, outsourcing, and well-defined workflows allow you to step away without the fear of everything falling apart.

If your business can’t function without you, the problem isn’t that you’re taking time off—the problem is your business structure. Many entrepreneurs work tirelessly, not because they want to, but because they feel they have to. They’re stuck managing all the little details, afraid that if they leave, something will go wrong. This isn’t freedom, and it’s not sustainable.

Creating systems for freedom

Success, as I’ve redefined it, is about building a business that functions without needing you at every moment. It’s about setting up processes and outsourcing tasks so that you can take a step back without things going off the rails. It’s about creating a team, using technology to your advantage, and designing workflows that make the business efficient without you having to oversee every detail.

But more than that, it’s about creating boundaries. As business owners, we often fall into the trap of thinking we need to be available 24/7. But the reality is that setting clear boundaries—both with yourself and with your clients—is crucial to your freedom. Boundaries give you space to live the life you want while running a successful, sustainable business.

Defining success on your terms

Ultimately, success is a personal definition. For me, it’s being able to spend 38 days in the mountains each year. For you, it might be travelling the world, spending more time with family, or simply having the flexibility to pursue personal passions. The beauty of running your own business is that you get to decide what success looks like.

If you find yourself constantly working, always putting out fires, or feeling unable to step away, it might be time to rethink your approach. Are you working harder than necessary? Are you tied to your desk out of habit or fear of losing control? The truth is, that many of us become entrepreneurs to escape the constraints of traditional work, only to recreate those same constraints within our businesses.

Success isn’t about how many hours you work or how much revenue you generate. It’s about creating a business that works for you—one that aligns with your lifestyle and gives you the freedom to live life on your terms.

Empower your business to move with you

The days of being tied to a desk are over. Success today is about creating flexibility. Whether you’re dreaming of more travel, more mountain days, or just more time for yourself, your business should empower you to live the life you want—not hold you back from it.

With the right systems in place, your business can function whether you're there or not. That’s what real success looks like. It’s not about choosing between financial success and personal freedom—it’s about designing your business to give you both.

So, let’s redefine success. It’s no longer tied to a desk, and it’s no longer defined by how many hours you put in. Instead, it’s about the freedom to step away, pursue your passions, and live your life while your business continues to thrive. The world is out there, waiting for you to explore it.

Want to get started? 6 steps to get your business away from the desk:

  1. Automate essential processes

    Identify tasks that take up time but don’t require your involvement. Use automation tools like email responders, task management apps, or e-commerce platforms that manage sales and customer support without your constant input.

  2. Outsource strategically

    Delegate time-consuming tasks to experts. For example, hire a virtual assistant for admin work or bring in freelancers to handle specific projects. This frees you up to focus on strategic growth or personal pursuits.

  3. Establish systems and workflows

    Create well-documented, repeatable processes for your business. Whether it’s how to onboard clients, manage projects, or fulfil orders, having these systems in place ensures your business can operate smoothly without needing to be there every step.

  4. Set boundaries with clients

    Define clear communication channels and availability. Setting expectations early—such as specific work hours or response times—gives you the freedom to step away without feeling guilty or overwhelmed.

  5. Use technology for remote management

    Leverage project management and collaboration tools like Slack, Trello, or Asana, allowing you to manage your business from anywhere. These tools keep you in control without requiring your physical presence at a desk.

  6. Take time to recharge

    Schedule regular time off, whether a day in the mountains or a longer holiday. A refreshed mind brings more creativity and energy, both vital for sustaining long-term business success.

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