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July Business Plan - What to work on in your business this month

Summer's fading, but your business energy shouldn't. July is a great time to take stock, refine your strategy, and set yourself up for a strong second half of the year. Here are a few key areas to focus on:

Refine Your Online Presence

With more people spending time indoors, it's crucial to maximise your online presence.

Website revamp: Is your website up-to-date and user-friendly? Make sure it's visually appealing, easy to navigate, and showcases your latest offerings. Consider optimising it for mobile devices and adding valuable content, like blog posts or guides.

Social Media: Engage your audience with relevant content, seasonal promotions, and behind-the-scenes glimpses of your business. Consider testing targeted ads on your best-selling products and/or services on platforms where your ideal customer hangs out.

Email Marketing: Utilise email marketing to stay top-of-mind and nurture customer relationships. Offer exclusive deals, share valuable tips, and keep your audience informed about new products or services.

Want help with reviewing these things? Book a strategy session.

Conduct An Insurance Review

Make sure your business is properly protected.

Run a Policy Checkup: Review your business insurance policies to ensure they are up-to-date and provide adequate coverage for your business operations. Do a quick review of other providers to compare rates and coverage options if you could get a better deal for your dollar.

Think about your specific risks: Each business faces unique challenges. Do you have unique equipment or inventory that requires special coverage? Are you involved in any activities that increase your risk, like outdoor events or working with clients in their homes?

Consider an Update: If necessary, update your policies to reflect any changes in your business activities or assets. Make sure you're protected against potential risks, especially during the winter months.

Review Your Goals and Make a Plan

Don't let the winter slow you down. It's time to map out your strategy for the rest of the year.

Conduct a Strategic Review: Take stock of your business goals. Are you on track? Where do you need to make adjustments? Refine your strategies for the remainder of the year, considering the changing season and market conditions.

Do a Financial Forecast: Review your budget and cash flow. Are you prepared for any potential slowdowns or unexpected expenses? Identify areas where you can save or increase revenue.

Make a Marketing Calendar: Plan your marketing campaigns for the next few months, incorporating seasonal promotions, events, and online activities.

By focusing on these key areas, you can ensure your business stays active and profitable even during the winter months. A little planning and effort now can lead to a successful and enjoyable rest of the year for you and your team.

Interested in a strategy customised for your business? We can help you identify key areas for improvement, assess data and operations, recommend strategies for growth and provide support throughout the process. Learn more about our consultancy packages or book a strategy session.

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